

Differences between sync.Map and map in Go


In Go, maps are used to store key-value pairs, but the standard map type is not thread-safe. To handle concurrent access, Go provides the sync.Map type, which allows for safe access to shared data. The sync.Map type is optimized for concurrent read and write access, making it a good choice for high-concurrency applications. However, there are some differences between sync.Map and map in Go that developers should be aware of. This article explores the differences between these two types of maps and helps developers determine which one is the best choice for their specific use case.


When to use log.Fatal() in Golang


The log.Fatal() function is used when something really bad has happened and you just want to exit your program as fast as possible after reporting the error situation.

two sum leetcode golang

Two sum leetcode 1000X Faster


In this article you’re going to learn about the ways to how solve two sum leetcode problem, we are going to see multiple solutions