What is a Golang Developer?
Golang (also called Go) is a statically typed, compiled programming language build for industry professionals and it was launched by Google in 2009. The language combines the efficiency of C++ efficiency and the readability of Python, Which makes Golang popular between developers now days.
The Go programming language is used by Golang developers to create websites and apps, which can optimize the entire system. Go offers subprograms to run their actions simultaneously with the help of Concurrency. Various programming languages implement concurrency but Golang does this with a twist. It doesn’t follow the threading model for concurrency; it follows the Communicating Sequential Processes(CSP) model. Working with Go and its full range of tools and frameworks is part of a Golang developer’s job description. Most Go programmers also test and debug their code.
The competition into Go is relatively low. It’s a simple language to pick up, and it comes with comprehensive technical documentation. For those who are familiar with the C programming language, switching to Go is pretty simple. So, if learning Go is simple, how do you go about getting a job using it? Let’s have a look at it in more detail.
Learn the basics of Go
To become a Golang developer, you must have a knowledge of the language and its syntax. You can either install the language and teach yourself, or you can enroll in an online course to help you get started. A decent learning route for Go will look something like this:
- Filenames, keywords, identifiers
- Operators, types, functions, and constants
- Pointers, structures, methods
- Maps, arrays, slices
- Go CLI
- Interface
- Error handling
- Goroutine, Channel, Buffer, Concurrency
- Panic, Defer, Error handling, Recover
- Go design patterns
Your learning path will largely depend on your background. If you are completely new to programming, Go is a great choice. It is easy to learn and mimics other popular languages like Python and C++.
For new learners, it’s best to start with the basics like filenames, keywords, and identifiers. Then, you can build your foundation with data types, operators, and and strings.
If you have some programming knowledge, it’s also a good idea to learn Go from the ground up, starting with the language’s distinctive properties.
Go is designed on a different model than you’re used to, and it has a distinct approach to object-oriented programming.
Cover Go libraries and other Go tools
Once you have the basics of the language down, you should move onto the add-on(external packages) libraries and tools that make Go easier to use. Most companies will expect that you have experience with:
- Go dependency management tools
- Semantic versioning
- Scripts and repositories
- Go Standard libraries
- SQL fundamentals
- Basic authentication
- Web frameworks and routers
- Relational databases (PostgreSQL)
Learn testing with go
Testing is an important skill that most companies looks for. Software testing is how we check if the actual software product matches requirements and actually runs properly once distributed(to avoid it works in my machine culture).
As a Go developer, you’ll be building products for the real-world, so you need to test your products for usability and reliability:
- Unit testing
- Integration testing
- Behavior testing
- E2E testing
Unit testing is arguably the most important for new Golang developers. There is a built-in testing
package in Go’s standard library.
Go patterns
Go offers similar design patterns to other languages that fall under these general categories:
- Structural
- Creational
- Behavioral
- Concurrency
- Stability
The most important are creational (such as builder, factory, singleton), behavioral (such as iterator, observer, command), and structural (such as adapter, bridge, decorator).
Resources to become Golang Developer
- Prerequisites
- General Development Skills
- Learn GIT, create a few repositories on GitHub, share your code with other people
- Know HTTP(S) protocol, request methods (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS)
- Don’t be afraid of using Google, Power Searching with Google
- Read a few books about algorithms and data structures
- Learn about implementation of a basic Authentication
- Solid principles, architectural & design patterns, ecc
- Basics of software testing (unit, integration, e2e)
- CLI Tools
- Web Frameworks + Routers
- Databases
- Relational
- Cloud Databases
- Search Engines
- ORMs
- Caching
- GCache
- Distributed Cache
- Logging
- Real-Time Communication
- API Clients
- Good to Know
- Testing
- Task Scheduling
- MicroServices
- Message-Broker
- Building message-driven
- Frameworks
- Go-Patterns
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